Friday, 14 February 2020

Achilles Heel?

Following on from my Feelgood February post; I am going to look at possible reasons why your Achilles tendon may be feeling a little tender...but first let's look into what it is!

The Achilles tendon is the thick elastic tissue which joins the big calf muscles to the heel bone.  Tendons are not as elastic as the muscle itself put provide some 'give' in terms of shock and power absorption.  If put under too much stress by overuse, sudden changes in exercise intensity or lack of care and attention to stretching it can become inflamed or tear.

More often than not Achilles tendonitis can be avoided but correct training techniques and care of the calf muscles in terms of stretching.  We tend to neglect our calves as they are used daily.  I cycle to work and because it is not 'dedicated exercise training' I am as guilty as the next person in not stretching them!  As a result I got a calf strain at my Thai boxing class in the summer but it could as easily have been the Achilles!  Fortunately a combination of massage, exercise rehabilitation and stretching and I was back to class within 2 weeks but if left to heal without help it could have been a lot longer.

For more information on Achilles tendonitis take a look at my achilles fact sheet.

Monday, 10 February 2020

Feelgood February?

So we are into February now and I have started to get bookings to treat the 'New Year New You' injuries.  A lot of people start out on their new fitness, sport and healthy living regimes with enthusiasm and passion and come to a grinding halt in February as injury strikes!

Often injuries can be prevented by using appropriate equipment such as correct shoes for running and appropriate training methods such as a regime that includes rest days, warm ups, cool downs, stretching and a gradual progression.

Unfortunately, a balanced exercise program is not always followed and injury strikes so instead of a Feelgood February many experience a Flat February 😞.  

At this time of year the most common injuries I treat tend to be of the lower limb; hamstrings, knees, shins, calves and ankles.  Most can be resolved quickly if treatment is sought quickly and not ignored 😁.

Looking after yourself is the most important thing you can do so seeking treatment and advice is essential.  Most often than not a single sports massage treatment combined with stretching and exercise advice can put you back on track in no time at all.

So don't delay; book in today.
Call for an appointment with Nina at About Backs and Bones, Derby on 01332 553332

To find more information on some of the injuries mentioned then have a look through the blog archive on the right!