Monday, 27 July 2009

Healthier Habits

The key to eating heathily is planning ahead.
1) Plan your week ahead before you shop; think about variety and easy to cook healthy meals and perhaps making time to create your own healthy packed lunches.
2) Make time for breakfast; it really is the most important meal of the day and can help reduce pre-lunch cravings.
3) Drink more water; often when you feel you are hungry you are actually thirsty.
4) Use healthier cooking techniques such as grilling rather than frying or using spices rather than salt.
5) Control you portion size to a small handful of meat, starch & veg and savour each mouthful.
6) Get into the habit; of eating regular, good sized,healthy meals.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Four ways to Fight Fat

1) Believe in Yourself
Visualize the new you and how that will make you feel. Start thinking and acting as if you are already there and you will get there easier.

2) Correct Nutrition
Eat less calories than you use whilst eating enough protein and essential fats

3) Set SMART Goals
Be realistic in what you want to achieve, how you are going to achieve it and when you are going to get there.

4) Correct Exercise Training
Activites that burn calories, maintain or promote muscle mass and increase metabolism will give the best results.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Creating a new You - Behaviour change

Ask Yourselves:
Where do you want to go & What do you want to do with your body/life?
What will be the result of that & why is it important to you?
What will you gain from achieving that goal & what impact will it have?
How will your life be different?

Establish where you are now:
What is the cause for your present condition/situation?
What has stopped you from getting where you want to be?

Decide on your Perfect Solution:
What is your perfect solution?
How will you know when you are ready to change?
How will you achieve this solution? (set 3 goals to help you)